Alliance Member Rankings

Rank User Role GCL Level Combined RCL Spawn Count
1 Trepidimous member 77 331 122
2 Totalschaden admin 112 892 334
3 Kalgen admin 57 446 166
4 slowmotionghost member 53 170 53
5 Harabi owner 36 288 108
6 MadDokMike member 19 137 48

As the name suggests, our goal is to make shard1 fast, with target tick times of 2 seconds instead of the 3.5 - 4.0 seconds it has been historically. We're doing that by reducing the load on the server: removing unneeded objects like walls, preventing invader cores from spawning, and most obviously by reducing the amount of time the game spends running code. With every bot evicted from the shard, both time running player bot code and server code to process its intents is eliminated -- "A Faster Shard Without You."