Alliance Rankings

Rank Alliance Alliance GCL Combined GCL Average GCL Alliance Power Combined Power Max Spawns Members
1 CoPS 146 393 66 749 3108 914 6
2 s1c 146 365 61 689 1498 829 6
3 CAT 93 291 24 434 848 428 12
4 TW 54 108 14 182 281 211 8
5 commie 37 77 19 152 221 157 4
6 FTE 28 74 12 207 483 172 6
7 BNA 14 32 6 11 14 30 5

Ranking Types

Alliance GCL
This metric combines the raw control points of all members of an alliance and calculates the GCL as if they were a single user. This method gives the best understanding of the alliance experience level.
Combined GCL
This metric adds all of the individual GCL levels together to get one number. With this metric a new user, regardless of skill level, will always add at least one to the score.
Alliance Power
This metric combines the raw power points of all members of an alliance and calculates the Power Creep level the alliance would be able to spawn if they were a single player.
Combined Power
This combines the Power Creep levels for all players in an alliance. This number should correspond to the number of power creep levels the alliance can currently spawn.
Max Spawns
Each claimed room in an alliance is scored by the number of spawns it can support. In other words, RCL8 rooms are worth three, RCL7 rooms two, and all remaining claimed rooms one. Unlike the GCL based metrics this score will go up and down based off of the state of world at the time.
This is the total number of members in the alliance.